This International Summer School is a part of a series of training activities proposed by the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP-RD). The Course is made up of 5 days of training organized by Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) in close collaboration with, mainly, EJP-RD task partners.


Course structure

This course is composed of two training modules:

  • 28-30 September 2020: First three days module about resources needed for the establishment/maintenance of a high-quality registry
  • 1-2 October 2020: Second two days module is focused on the single steps of the data FAIRification

To ensure active participation and exchange with teaching staff and participants, a maximum of 30 attendees will be admitted to each training module.


Registration is possible for the first training module, for the second training module and for the entire course. The course and registration is free of charge. Online registration form is available here until July 19th, 2020. For more detailed information on the course, please click here.