ERN BOND webinars are aimed at prompting education and training on rare bone diseases and addressed to healthcare professionals, patients and patients groups in order to increase knowledge on rare bone diseases.
These webinars are free to join, however pre-registration is required.
Upcoming webinars
Industry brings resources and knowledge beyond funding, an articulation of the contribution of the private sectors in public-private partnerships in rare disease research (T4RD & ERICA Joint Webinar)
Webinar | Industry brings resources and knowledge beyond funding, an articulation of the contribution of the private sectors in public-private partnerships in rare disease research (T4RD & ERICA Joint Webinar) |
Date and time | January 16, 2025 at 17:00 – 17 :45 CEST |
Location | Online |
Speakers | Anton Ussi, Operations and Finance Director, EATRIS
Vinciane Pirard, Scientific Advocacy and Insights, Global Medical Affairs – Rare Diseases, Sanofi Dr Luca Sangiorgi, Director, Rare Bone Disorders Department and Coordinator Rare Bone Diseases Centre Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, ERN BOND Coordinator, ERN BOND Sheela Upadhyaya, Chair, Together 4 Rare Diseases |
Organisation | Together For Rare Diseases and ERICA |
Registration | Register for event |
Past webinars
WEBc4c Trials and Education
Webinar | c4c Trials and Education |
Date and time | April 11, 2024 at 13:00 – 14:00 CEST |
Location | Online |
Speakers | Mark Turner (c4c) Chloe Bickerstaff (c4c) Francesca Rocchi (INCIPIT, Bambino Gesù Children Hospital) Becca Leary (University of Newcastle) |
Organisation | ERICA in collaboration with conect4children, EJP RD and ERN BOND |
Registration | Register for event |
c4c Trials and Education/Teaching
Organiser: ERICA in collaboration with conect4children, EJP RD and ERN BOND
Date and time: April 11, 2024 at 13:00 – 14:00 CEST
Chair: Mark Turner
Speakers: Becca Leary, Chloe Bickerstaff and Francesca Rocchi
Aim: This webinar introduces two of the services: support for clinical trials and education & training.
REMEDI4ALL / drug repurposing and clinical trial readiness
Monday October 2nd 2023 from 13:00 to 14:00 CET
Speaker: Anton Ussi (EATRIS ERIC – European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine)
Organised by ERICA in collaboration with EJP RD and ERN BOND
Webinar Series Rare Bone Diseases: Ollier Disease
Chairs: Dr Luca Sangiorgi, Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Bologna, Italy & Dr Thomas Funck-Brentano, Université de Paris, Paris, France
Speaker: Prof Valérie Cormier-Daire, French Institute of Health and Medical Research, France
October 3rd 2023, from 16:00 to 17:00 CET
Organisers: European Calcified Tissue Society and ERN BOND
Transition from childhood to adulthood in rare bone diseases
Tuesday June 20th, 2023
From 16:00 to 17:00 CEST
Speaker: Corinna Grasemann Pediatric Endocrinologist, Ruhr-University Bochum
Organized by European Calcified Tissue Society and ERN BOND
Webinar Series Rare Bone Diseases: The pathogenesis and consequences of having too much bone
Wednesday May 31st, 2023
From 16:00 to 17:00 CEST
Chairs: Natasha Appelman-Dijkstra, Adalbert Raimann
Speaker: Prof Wim van Hul, University of Antwerp
Organized by European Calcified Tissue Society and ERN BOND
Framework for Patient Engagement in Clinical Trials
Wednesday May 24th 2023 from 15:00 to 16:00 CEST
Speakers: Virginie Hivert and María Cavaller Bellaubi, EURORDIS- Rare Diseases Europe
Organised by ERICA in collaboration with EJP RD and ERN BOND
Introduction on Patient-Reported Outcomes and considerations before including them in a clinical trial. Study case from the ERN-EuroBloodNet
Wednesday May 10th 2023 from 12:30 to 13:30 CEST
Speakers: Céline Desvignes-Gleizes, Mapi Research Trust, Andreas Glenthøj, hematologist clinician, Dore Peereboom, Stichting Zeldzame Bloedziekten
Organised by ERICA in collaboration with EJP RD and ERN BOND
Biological material in scientific research
Speakers: Luca Sangiorgi, Luisa Minghetti, Maria Grazia Daidone, Chiara Baldo, Giuseppe Merla
Now available with English subtitles
Musculoskeletal avatar. A possible solution for creating digital twins in children with skeletal dysplasia
Speakers: Giovanni Trisolino
COVID19 and indications for patients with OI
Recording of the Tools for Remote Follow-up of Rare Bone Dieseases’ Patients
Speakers: Luca Sangiorgi, Gianluca Moro, Giacomo Frisoni, Paolo Fraschini
Now available with English subtitles
Designing and conducting clinical trials in rare diseases – what industries expect for partnering with clinical sites
Friday April 14th 2023 from 12:30 to 13:30 CEST
Speaker: Diego Ardigò, Chiesi Group
Organised by ERICA in collaboration with EJP RD and ERN BOND
Definition of orphan drug by the EMA
Tuesday March 28th 2023 from 12:30 to 13:30 CET
Speaker: Armando Magrelli, Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) Roma, Italy
Organised by ERICA in collaboration with EJP RD and ERN BOND
Melorheostosis – Webinar series in rare bone disease
1st part: Tuesday February 7th 2023 from 16:00 to 17:00 CET
2nd part: Tuesday March 14th 2023 from 16:00 to 17:00 CET
Hosts: Natasha Appelman-Dijkstre, Natalie Butterfield
Speaker: Geert Mortier
Co-organizing with ECTS
Essential requirement before thinking about a clinical trial
Tuesday February 28th 2023 from 12:00 to 13:00 CET
Speakers: Viviana Giannuzzi, Fondazione per la Ricerca Farmacologica Gianni Benzi Onlus
ERN-BOND, the last five years and the future.
ERN BOND webinars are aimed at prompting education and training on rare bone diseases and addressed to healthcare professionals, patients and patients groups in order to increase knowledge on rare bone diseases.
Speaker: Luca Sangiorgi
ERN BOND Webinar: Human Body Movement & Scan Analyses
ERN BOND webinars are aimed at prompting education and training on rare bone diseases and addressed to healthcare professionals, patients and patients groups in order to increase knowledge on rare bone diseases.
Recording of the Covid-19 and vaccines webinar now available with English subtitles
Speakers: Prof. Ivan Gentile, Dott. Luca Sangiorgi
view replay
Recording of the Covid-19 and psychological impact webinar now available with English subtitles
Speakers: Dr. Marianna Matera, Dr. Manila Boarini
view replay
Recording of the Gender issues in COVID-19 pandemia webinar now available
Speaker: Prof. Maria Luisa Brandi
Recording of the EuRR-Bone: what and how? webinar now available
Speakers: Dr. Natasha M. Appelman-Dijkstra and Dr. Ana L. Priego Zurita
FD/MAS a joined venture
Tuesday September 7th 2021
Speakers: Prof. Michiel van de Sande and Dr. N. M. Appelman-Dijkstra