CPMS: discussion of complex clinical cases
The Clinical Patient Management System (CPMS) is a web-based clinical software application released by the European Commission (DG SANTE) that provides a secure platform where healthcare professionals from the European Reference Networks can discuss patient cases through multidisciplinary virtual panels. The aim of CPMS is to support ERNs in improving the diagnosis, care and treatment of rare or low prevalence complex diseases across national borders of Member States in Europe.
The system aims to facilitate the interaction between clinicians, keeping all patients data stored on this secure platform. The platform enables healthcare professionals to collaborate actively, share data and assist each other on patient cases within and across ERNs in accordance with privacy protection’s rules. CPMS also allows doctors outside of the ERNs to be invited to participate of a panel discussion or to enrol patients from their healthcare providers (HCPs) in order to seek advice from the highly specialised HCP representatives of each ERN.
If you are a clinician, and you have a BOND-patient that you would like to discuss with international experts, please contact the BOND Operational Helpdesk at cpmshelpdesk@bond.ern-net.eu